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Top Five New Mom Must-Haves

by For Two Fitness

Your list of things to get before baby’s arrival is probably a mile long. Luckily, this is one shopping list that’s far more exciting than the one you jot down before a trip to the grocery store. And while onesies and diapers and the ever-elusive perfect diaper bag may take center stage when it comes to planning what you need for baby, don’t forget about the five new mom must-haves.

New mom

1. A Travel System

Any new parent recognizes the effort that goes into getting an infant to sleep. So the last thing you want to do when your baby finally nods off is risk waking him up! Unfortunately, this is often exactly what happens when babies fall asleep in the car just before arriving home.

A travel system is the perfect solution for this issue. Including stroller, car seat, and car base, these ingenious systems are the ultimate in mobility.

Baby falls asleep on the way home from infant music class again? Simply detach the car seat from its base and bring your sleeping baby inside completely free of disruption.

For the ultimate in convenience, look for travel systems with one-hand folding and plenty of storage.

2. The Perfect Yoga Pants

Take our word for it: maternity workout pants are the bestie of any new mom. The perfect mix of chic comfort, these look and feel great — and work for nearly any style situation. Of course, you’ll want these around when you resume your workout routine, but that’s just the beginning of it.

From the coffee shop to “Mommy and Me” to the playground, your trusty yoga pants will get you where you need to go. (Hint: buy a few pairs.)

And don’t forget to stock up on plenty of maternity activewear, which can help you maintain your fitness routine from the early days of pregnancy through your “fourth trimester.”

3. A Nursing Pillow

So you’ve read the research and understand that “breast is best” when it comes to feeding your baby. A few tools can help you ensure success on your breastfeeding journey. Many nursing moms swear by their nursing pillows. which offer gentle assistance — particularly during your baby’s first few months. If you aren’t breastfeeding, meanwhile, a nursing pillow can also offer support during bottle feeding.

Have an upstairs and a downstairs? We recommend getting two: one for each location. For ease and comfort, look for a nursing pillow made with Memory Foam cushioning, and with a detachable cover for easy on/easy off laundering.

4. An Electric Breast Pump

Let’s get this out there: breast pumps are expensive. In fact, a good one can cost you upwards of $300! But if you plan on pumping your milk — either because you’re a working mom or simply because you want to introduce a bottle — an electric breast pump is a life-saver. Don’t have that kind of cash to drop on a breast pump? Check into breast pump rental programs at your local hospital.

If you plan on doing a lot of pumping, meanwhile, look for portable, hands-free models.(If you only plan on expressing milk very occasionally, a manual pump will suffice.)

New mom

5. A Baby Carrier

Baby carriers earn a spot on this list not only because they’re practical, but because babywearing has many benefits to both mom and baby. From slings to to wraps to backpacks, there are endless baby carriers on the market. Not sure which one is right for you? Try out the different types before making the investment. Perhaps you’ll love the snug fit of the Baby Bjorn, or the wearability of an old-school Maya wrap? Let your choice be guided by what feels best.

Ultimately, the only thing you really need to raise baby is a whole lot of love, but these items make it even easier to enjoy stress-free new motherhood. Are you a new mom with a must-have suggestion of your own? If so, please share in the Comments section!


For Two Fitness
For Two Fitness


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