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Choosing Between Cloth and Disposable Diapers: Both Offer Advantages

by For Two Fitness

When it comes to choosing the right diaper, there isn’t a one size fits all option, or is there? Moms have a lot of decisions to make, from their birthing centers to finding the right maternity activewear to stay fit during pregnancy, the list to consider is endless. Seeing as your child will wear a diaper for a good percentage or their early years, choosing the right one is yet another crucial decision moms must make, but what choice is right for you? Both cloth and disposable diapers offer different advantages that you’ll want to weigh to determine the best coverage for your little sprout.




Ease of use

With all the different things busy moms have to complete throughout their day, the last thing they want to do is wrestle a baby diaper. A lot of moms choose disposable diapers because they have fallen into the common misconception that cloth diapers are difficult to work with. However, it is just that, a common misconception, because both cloth diapers and disposables are user-friendly.

While both are easy to use, there are a few key differences that can help you choose which is better for your needs. Disposable diapers can easily be fastened with Velcro clasps, but the new cloth diapers are equipped with snap closures, one and two piece designs, and can be easily adjusted for sizing. In fact, some moms feel that cloth diapers offer a better fit because there’s a wider range of sizing options, which can contribute to why some parents say cloth diapers are better at containing messes.

The price factor

When it comes to cost, cloth diapers take the cake. One of the main reasons moms opt for cloth diapers is because of the money they’re able to save on diapers. According to one mom, there’s no watching for sales on large boxes of diapers, no late night trips to pick up more, no spending money every week. Instead, just rinse, cold wash, throw into the dryer, and you have a bunch of clean fresh diapers ready and waiting. (However, this does not factor in the water and energy costs to wash and dry the diapers and does not include the cost of disposable diaper inserts some families choose to use with cloth diapers). Yet, some families value their time more than their money, and in this case, the time it takes to wash diapers each week may be more than they are willing to pay, thus opting for the ready to go option of disposable diapers.




Skin friendly

What you put on your child is one of the most important decisions you’ll make as a parent, and the diapers you choose start this process. Both cloth and disposable diapers have one important trait in common, and that’s keeping babies’ skin clean and dry. Whether you choose cloth or disposable diapers, it all comes down to how clean your little one’s bottom stays at the end of the day.

While many children do just fine with disposable diapers, others tend to develop allergies to the fillers, thus cloth diapers are a better choice. Alternatively, some babies find disposable diapers more comfortable than cloth, which makes throw-away options the favorite choice for these moms.




The verdict

Clearly, both cloth and disposable diapers offer advantages for your little one. Cloth diapers can be reused time and time again, but disposables can be picked up almost anywhere, from grocery stores to your local mom and pop store. When it comes down to it, it’s all a matter of preference and the type of diaper that best matches the needs of your family. Do you find cloth or disposables a better fit for your family, or do you use them both interchangeably to best meet your needs? Share this article on your social media site, and find out what other moms are using and why.


For Two Fitness
For Two Fitness


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