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Stay Active Through the First Trimester

by For Two Fitness


We love these great tips from fit mom Laura regarding how to stay active through the first trimester of pregnancy. 
Hi I’m Laura, mama to my sweet 2 year old boy, and #2 on the way!  I blog all about my family and our adventures at tiny toes, little nose.  I am just reaching the end of my first trimester, so I thought this would be the perfect time to share some tips on how I have been able to stay active in my pregnancy.
I had a very fit pregnancy with my first, so I knew that was something I wanted to continue when I became pregnant with baby #2.  This time around I have been terribly nauseous, which makes any sort of physical activity seem impossible.  And the exhaustion…at times that is even worse!  However, not only is it possible, it can make such a difference in the way you feel each day and set a good precedence for the rest of your pregnancy!
Eat Healthy
This may seems like such an obvious choice, but when you have nausea all day sometimes comfort foods seems to be the only thing you are able to choke down.  However, a lot of those rich and dense comfort foods will only leave you feeling heavy and tired, making it far less likely to really get moving that day.  Frequent light & healthy meals/snacks set the tone for a good workout.  I have an incredibly hard time eating during the first trimester, so I make sure to add some whey protein to my smoothies and always keep healthy and nutrient packed snacks close by so that I am nourished enough to get through the day!
Keep Weekly Totals
I like to see the numbers, so tracking my workouts & stats in my planner is a huge motivator.  I never like to see too many days without some miles ran, hiked, or swam.  I especially love adding up those numbers at the end of each week and comparing them with weeks past.  I am naturally a competitive person, and there is no better competitor than myself!
Surround Yourself with Motivators
Too often, people tell pregnant women to “take it easy” and remind them that they are “eating for two.”  This is just terrible advice and you don’t want to surround yourself with demotivating advice.  You want those close to you to help keep you on track!  My mom & husband are both wonderful at asking about my workouts and encouraging me to make it into the gym.  Some days I’m so exhausted that I’m not quite sure I’ll make it through the day, so the thought of going to the gym sounds impossible, but once I’m there I’m so happy I made it and feel so rewarded to get that physical high during a workout to just put that spark back into my day!  Many times, I only need that little push to get me there.  I need the reminder that, as crazy as it sounds, I will have more energy after a run!
I hope this encourages some of you to get (or stay) active early in your pregnancy, and set yourself on the right track to a fit & healthy pregnancy right from the start!  It is not easy to stay committed, but the payout is all worth it in how you feel, look, and recover through and after pregnancy!  I even have found that the one time of day that I’m not nauseous during this stage of my pregnancy is when I’m in the gym getting through my run; which is just what I need to recharge my batteries to get through the day!  
Happy fit pregnancy to all those great moms-to-be!



For Two Fitness
For Two Fitness


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