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Ambassador Spotlight: Cheneil Torbert

by For Two Fitness

Cheniel Torbet

We are honored to have some amazing For Two Fitness Fit Mom Ambassadors. Over the next few months, we will be featuring several of these ladies in an “Ambassador Spotlight” post so you can get to know them too!

Meet Cheneil Torbert from The FIT NP.

What is the theme of your blog?

Thefitnp.com- Health, wellness, fitness

How many kiddos do you have?


What do you do for a living?

Nurse Practitioner, Health and Fitness Coach

What is your favorite fit pregnancy or postpartum workout?

I LOVE anything that gets your blood pumping and also creates a bit of a challenge.

I LOVE to dance.

I am a Beachbody COACH so I primarily promote Beachbody products because they are an easy go to, include meal plans so the work is already done for you. I know the programs have been specifically designed and are effective.

What is your favorite food?

Anything Asian

Do you have any hobbies?

I love to get CRAFTY!

I love to host parties and showers and decorate!

I love to find fun and creative ways to be active.

Where is your favorite vacation destination?

Anywhere you can enjoy the culture of the location.

I love the sun and the beach

What other interesting facts would you like to share with our readers?

I love to help others. I know I have been called to serve others and know that God has called me use my gifts for his service. I have medical, health and fitness degrees and certifications to help me help others better.



For Two Fitness
For Two Fitness


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