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Racing During Pregnancy: Don’t be afraid to race!

by For Two Fitness

Racing During Pregnancy

Should you run in races during pregnancy? Is racing during pregnancy healthy and safe for both mama and baby? Read fit mom ambassador, Sara’s, opinion. 

Running during pregnancy is definitely something encouraged by most all doctors these days and it is awesome! I love seeing so many inspirational posts and photos of fit mamas doing their thing and running as long as possible during their pregnancy. I love all the support that I’m finding online and off since it seems that not too long ago women were discouraged from most activity while expecting their bundle of joy.

I still find a lot of discouraging talk about participating in races though… (I’ll be too slow, people will judge me, etc…).

Running and especially racing while pregnant is such a different beast. You won’t be getting new PR’s or breaking any records but it is still an amazing accomplishment.

Since finding out I was pregnant earlier this year, I have participated in 8 races ranging from 5K to a half marathon (with my final longer distance race of 25K coming up soon!). While only five of those events were after I announced, I had amazing support from my running community and even got a special shout out from a race director at a 5K.

While it’s not the time to start training for new and longer distances and I’m not beating any times, but I feel that my accomplishments and finish times mean even more now that I’ve got my little passenger with me.

There will always be some sideways glances and naysayers who think that we shouldn’t be out there, but go for it! Don’t worry about being slow or having to walk. Don’t be afraid to ask for two medals…you deserve it! You never know who might be on the sidelines watching and cheering and you could be their inspiration.

Keep running, show off that bump, and get some awesome race bling.

This post is brought to you by For Two Fitness®. For Two Fitness® is the premier maternity fitness apparel brand, proudly made in the USA and available worldwide. Visit our site to explore our maternity fitness apparel and purchase for you or a loved one today.


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