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Gender Reveal Announcement Ideas

by For Two Fitness

Who doesn’t love a good surprise?? Especially when announcing you are having a baby to your family and closest friends or revealing the gender of the sweet baby to be. Baby announcements and gender reveal parties are becoming extremely popular. Each mama and hubby wants to stand out in his or her own unique way in celebrating and welcoming the new little one into the world. We love these new gender reveal announcement ideas and wanted to share some with you all!

Announcements are popular because many expecting couples do not live close to family and friends or even if they do, it adds an exciting way to share the big news! Just like wedding announcements, couples often take cute pictures or record videos with clever sayings. If a couple has a child already they can include them into the announcement! Most of the time, these sayings and pictures are unique to that couple but here are some cute photo ideas:

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Gender Reveal Announcement Ideas

Gender Reveal Announcement Ideas

Gender Reveal Announcement Ideas

Gender Reveal Announcement Ideas

Once everyone knows you’re pregnant, it’s becoming more popular and normal to have a party to reveal the gender of your baby. From elaborate to simple, there are countless ways to reveal the gender in a way that will add a little more spice than just the usual “It’s a girl” or “It’s a boy” balloons and décor. Here are some great ways to impress and excite your friends and family, which will reveal the gender of your baby!

Balloon Release: Fill a large box with pink or blue helium balloons, decorate the outside of the box with question marks, blue and pink, or phrases such as “boy or girl??” and when it is time, open the box and the color balloons correlating with the gender will float up!

Guessing Game: Have each party guest vote on whether they think it will be a boy or girl, tally the votes, reveal the gender, and whoever is right will go home with a little gift!

Ultrasound Party: This one may be a little pricey and over the top but is so cool! Hire an ultrasound technician to come to your party to reveal the gender in real time with your family and friends (AND YOU!!). It’s a surprise for everyone!

Gender Reveal Cake: Bake a white cake and cover it with white frosting. You can either add blue or pink food coloring to the cake or fill it with blue or pink candies. When you cut the cake the gender will be revealed!

Paint Fight: Have your doctor fill a few white bottles with blue or pink paint then at your party have a paint fight to reveal. Messy but fun!

Piñata Reveal: Fill a piñata with blue or pink confetti/goodies and have guests take turn hitting it. The gender will soon be revealed!

Gender Reveal Cupcakes: Fill each cupcake with white frosting but change the color in only ONE of the cupcakes to either blue or pink. Guests will have a fun time biting into their cupcakes to see if theirs is the one that will reveal the gender!

There are so many ways to announce the big news and reveal the gender of your baby! We would love to here any ideas or ways that you did this. XOXO

This post is brought to you by For Two Fitness®. For Two Fitness® is the premier maternity fitness apparel brand, proudly made in the USA and available worldwide. Visit our site to explore our maternity fitness apparel and purchase for you or a loved one today.


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