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One Runner Gives It Up for Pregnancy – Can You Relate?

by For Two Fitness

You’ve already met Dawn Weinberger, a runner, writer, and avid subscriber to the principles of Paleo nutrition. Today, she tells us about her decision to stop running for the rest of her pregnancy.  Can you relate? 


Running Through Month Seven Seemed Doable,
Until I Reached Month Five

I never intended to continue running throughout my entire pregnancy. I know women do it, successfully, all the time – but I really didn’t have the desire to keep it up for the entire nine months. After all, my running goals aren’t really that ambitious. I like 5Ks and 10Ks, but mostly I just run for fun. And I really didn’t see how running could possibly be fun in the later stages of pregnancy. So, I decided to continue running until my seventh month. Then, I would retire my running shoes (they were about to reach their maximum mileage anyway) and wait until next year to get back out there. 
The Helvetia Half-Marathon/10K in June 2010, with my friends Dawn (yes, two Dawns), Ryan and Kili
How wrong I was. No, I didn’t run right up to my due date. Not even close! My due date is still four months away. The truth is, I haven’t laced up my shoes in weeks. Running, for me, is a thing of the past (for now anyway … I fully intend to get back out there after my baby is born).
I realized I needed to stop right around week 18. Even though I felt mostly OK, I couldn’t control my heart rate. The weather was still cool, but after less than a mile I felt overheated. I needed water a lot, but I didn’t want to carry it with me (I prefer hands-free running). I also worried about the terrain. I wasn’t running on trails or anything, just sidewalks, but I didn’t want to trip on a stick or a curb and risk a fall that might harm my baby.
The bottom line: running just wasn’t fun anymore. Instead of providing stress relief, it created anxiety. And who needs that? Not me (or any other mom-to-be!). So, I quit. 
Admittedly, I miss it. I love getting outside on breezy spring days, running through nearby neighborhoods with the Black Eyed Peas as my soundtrack. I love setting personal records in races (the only person I ever really need to beat is myself), and I love how running reminds me of how far I’ve come in terms of my own capabilities (three years ago, I couldn’t even run one lap around the track without a break). But more than that, I love the little life that is growing inside of me, and I want to keep her safe and healthy. Sorry, running, you just don’t compare!

You can read more from Dawn Weinberger in the coming weeks and months right here! Also, check out her blog, The Paleo Baby. You can also find Dawn on Facebook and Twitter.


For Two Fitness
For Two Fitness


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