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Top Six Prenatal Fitness Tips

by For Two Fitness

It’s one thing to know that working out during pregnancy is good for you, but making it part of your day to day reality can be a challenge. These six tips can help you easily and safely incorporate exercise into your daily schedule as a busy mama-to-be.

1. Keep In Mind That You’re Training For Two

Some days it’s hard to find the motivation to hit the gym or the hiking trails. While it’s okay to take a break every now and then, the benefits of regular exercise can’t be dismissed.

One way to stay motivated? Remind yourself that you’re not just exercising for yourself, but for your baby, too: research shows that babies of moms who exercise have healthier hearts in utero, as well as ongoing benefits throughout life.

Prenatal fitness tips

2. Step Off the Beaten Path

Going to the gym or taking the same running circuit can get boring some days. Why not try mixing up your maternity workout by heading to a local park or playground instead? This not only offers new terrain to explore, but also gives you the chance to enjoy watching young kids at play and maybe even connect with other new and expectant moms.

3. Don’t Go It Alone

If you have a pregnant friend or two, rally them to join you in exercising. If not, check in with your local library, hospital or community center, all of which can be helpful resources in connecting you with your local community of pregnant women.

Many gyms and fitness centers also offer stretching, yoga, and other classes specifically for pregnant women. Additionally, online forums have changed the way we communicate and connect so don’t forget to check for local groups in your area.

4. Figure Out When You Feel Good

Morning sickness is a fact of life for many women, and can be a deterrent to exercise. But unlike its name, “morning” sickness can happen any time of day. Take time to identify when you’re experiencing symptoms and when you feel your best. Some pregnancy apps even let you track your symptoms! By working out when you feel good, you set yourself up for success.

5. Don’t Forget Your Upper Body

While walking, running, and other forms of cardiovascular exercise have many benefits, don’t forget about building up your upper body, as well. Strength training for your arms, back, and core can help you support your back and improve your posture. Not only that, but this strength will come in handy after your baby is born with new tasks like holding and lifting.

6. Accept Weight Gain

Many fitness-minded women mentally struggle with overcoming the natural weight gain that comes with pregnancy. According to the Mayo Clinic, a weight gain of 25 to 35 pounds is recommended for women who who begin their pregnancies at a normal weight.

Prenatal fitness tips

This number varies if you were underweight or overweight before pregnancy, and also if you’re carrying multiples, so be sure to check in with your healthcare provider to assess what’s best for you.

And remember: while exercising during pregnancy can help prevent excess weight gain, you should keep the focus on promoting optimal health for you and your baby.

If you’re still falling short on motivation or just looking for something cute to wear the next time you hit the gym, be sure to check out For Two Fitness’s line of high-performance and high-style line of pregnancy activewear.


For Two Fitness
For Two Fitness


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