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Exercising Post C-Section

by For Two Fitness

Exercising Post C-Section
We are thrilled to hear from our fit mom ambassador, Becky, regarding exercising post c-section. Read her great tips below. 
Hi! I’m Becky. 30 year old wife to my hubby of 10 years. Stay at home Momma to our 20 month old son. Christ Follower. Beachbody Coach. Creator and Founder of Shape Her. I hope to help women find their worth in things other than the mirror. I love reading, sweets, traveling, and mentoring students. I’m a Body Pump junkie who also loves yoga, running, swimming, and kickboxing. You can follow me on Instagram at @shape_her and online at www.shapeher.weebly.com.
I’m a C-section Momma, so I wanted to talk to you today about some of my favorite abdominal exercises post C-section. 
Once you’re cleared by your doctor for exercise (usually at your 6-8 week post op checkup), here are 3 exercises that I found very helpful – and doable – after my C-section.
A basic straight arm plank is a GREAT way to strengthen your midsection again.  While my son was having tummy time I would practice my planks.  :)  I would hold it for a few breaths, rest, then do it again – for 3-4 times.  If it’s too tough on your toes, then put your knees on the ground.  Just keep your toes down on the floor (not up in the air) so you’re not putting extra pressure on your knee cap.
Plank with Toe Tap or Raise
This is a step above the basic plank. Get in a straight arm plank and move your right leg out to the side and tap your toe to the ground.  Then bring it back center and do the same thing with the left leg.  You don’t have to take your leg out very far at first.  Work your way up!  Once you have the tap down, you can move up to a leg raise.  Instead of taking your leg out, you’ll take it up.  Hold it for a breath and then lower to the ground and do the same with the other leg.  If you want an added challenge, you can do these in a bent arm plank with your elbows on the ground, under your shoulders.
Plank with knee raise
This is a great move to target that dreaded lower belly.  After any pregnancy and labor your core is weak.  After a C-section, your core is weak AND you have a surgery incision/scar that’s healing.  This move is an efficient and safe way to build that lower stomach back up.  Get in a plank and bring your right knee up to your chest as high as you can.  Hold it for a breath and then take back.  Repeat with the other leg.  Don’t over do it.  If you can only handle bringing your knee up a tiny bit, that’s great.  Do that and work your way up.
Listen to your body as you’re recovering and healing.  It’s normal for things to feel weird as you start exercising again, especially ab exercises.  Just don’t push yourself too hard.  It takes time to build up your strength and endurance.  If you can only do one of each, that’s ok.  Move at your own speed.  You know your body the best!  It can be challenging to recover, heal and exercise post c-section. But focus on the wins, stay positive, and remember with determination and consistency, you’ll get back to normal. Kiss that baby’s sweet cheeks and remember it was all worth it! :)
I’ve created a “Tummy Time” workout specifically for you, below, that incorporates these three moves.  It’s meant for someone who is fresh off their C-section, so if you’re a little more advanced, then simply increase the time and reps.  Now, next time your little one is doing tummy time, you can join them on the floor with this easy workout!
I’d love to talk to you more, head over to my Instagram @shape_her to contact me!
Happy Sweating!



For Two Fitness
For Two Fitness


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