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National Stroller Running Day

by For Two Fitness

National stroller running day

Our fit mom ambassadors are so amazing!  One of our own, Katie McFarland, created from scratch this fantastic collaboration and the National Stroller Running Day event. Read the details below and be sure to participate. 

Before I had kids, I could take off on a whim and run, it was easy. Then E and MiniE came along and I love them dearly but I will say they cramped my spontaneous running style that is until I was introduced to the jog stroller and more specifically the BOB Stroller. It rocked my world in the best way possible. My running strollers provided flexibility to stay fit while spending time with the babies and it’s been that way for the past four years. I always joke that my running stroller has more miles on it than my car. I use it that much. It was out of this respect for the stroller that I teamed up BOB Gear, Fit4Mom (the creator of Stroller Strides), New Balance and Run Stroller Run to create a day dedicated to all those that go the extra mile (pun intended) to live a healthy lifestyle.

On November 8th, people all over the country (and Canada) are invited to celebrate National Stroller Running Day.  There are so many ways to get involved:

  • Head over to RunStrollerRun and find a stroller friendly race in your area!  Sign up and enjoy with your little running buddies.
  • Find a Stroller Strides Class in your area by heading over to and participate!
  • Set out on your own, push, pull, walk or run with your little buddies. 
  • Organize a local run and get together with your local community of runners.  Encourage everyone to bring a pack of diapers to donate to your charity of choice.
  • I’ll be hosting a meet up in St. Louis.  I hope to see tons of moms there!  I’ll have both a single and a double BOB for people to test drive!

Snap some pictures and share your celebration on social media using the hashtag: #StrollerRun14. 

Want even more reasons to celebrate? I’m hosting a MAJOR giveaway over at Mom’s Little Running Buddy. I’m giving away BOB Strollers, BOB accessories, New Balance Shoes, Stroller Stride classes and a Linkoutoure bracelet. Seriously some amazing stuff. So be sure to head over and register for your chance to win one of these amazing prizes. I’m also hosting a link up for everyone that shares National Stroller Running Day on their blog.

Want even more chances to win?  Save the date for November 4th at 8 pm EST.  Come join me and others in a twitter chat hosted by Pregnancy Awareness where we will be giving away more strollers and prizes!!  Get involved today! See the details here.



For Two Fitness
For Two Fitness


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