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Tips for Staying Active and Fit During the First Trimester

by For Two Fitness

Holly is a stay-at-home mom to a two-year-old girl and is pregnant with her second child. Check out Holly’s tips for staying active and fit during the first trimester. When Holly isn’t running or practicing yoga, she can be reading or working on one of her many crafty projects.  For more from Holly, check her out at MamaBearBlogs.com and follow her on InstagamTwitter and Facebook.
Between symptoms like morning sickness and exhaustion, the first trimester can be a little rough for some women.  It’s not surprising that staying fit and active can sometimes be pushed to the back burner. However, there are steps you can take to keep fitness as a top priority even during the first trimester! 
My first pregnancy was a breeze (I had almost no symptoms!) and it didn’t require any extra effort on my part to keep up my active lifestyle.  I looked forward to the same with my second but my hopes fell a little flat there.  My second pregnancy has been a bit of a different story with stomach issues (Can we say stomach aches/sour stomach all day for weeks?) and exhaustion rearing their heads frequently between weeks seven and 10.  But with a bit of effort I was able to continue exercising despite having some less-than-fun symptoms.
Here are my tips to staying active and fit during the first trimester!
  1. Plan your exercise during the time of day that you feel best.  For me, during this pregnancy, that was in the morning.  I always felt best during the first few hours after getting up, so that was when I planned to exercise.  On the days that I felt sick, the afternoon and evening were always the worst.  I can’t imagine trying to exercise then!  Luckily it was already my habit to exercise in the morning, so I didn’t have to change my routine.  If you plan your exercise for when you know you feel your best, you are much more likely to make it happen!
  2. Pick activities that sound appealing.  It’s all about staying motivated!  If you’re not excited about or looking forward to your planned exercise, then your motivation to make it happen might start to dwindle and you don’t want that!  If you’re feeling a little frazzled and scattered, maybe it’s a good day to get centered with some yoga.  Got a burst of energy?  Go for a run or hit up that spin class!  Do what feels right for you that day and listen to your body.
  3. Stay hydrated. Whether you are pregnant or not, staying hydrated is a very important part of a healthy lifestyle. But I’ve found dehydration affects me much more when I am pregnant.  It can leave me feeling very rundown and just yucky.  Avoid any unnecessary yucky feelings by taking steps to ensure you don’t get dehydrated.  If plain water isn’t appealing to you (I normally drink plain water but after becoming pregnant I found I wanted something with a little bit of taste.), try adding some fresh fruit for a little flavor!
  4. It’s okay to take a rest day!  If your body is telling you it needs a break, don’t feel bad about taking an unscheduled rest day.  There have been days this pregnancy when my sciatic nerve has been causing me pain and it was clear I needed to take it easy for a day.  Because I allowed myself to rest and recuperate, I’ve been able to get back to exercising the very next day each time this happened.
Though every pregnancy is different, these tips have worked well for me this pregnancy and helped me as I worked on staying active and fit during the first trimester.  As always, make sure that you’re listening to your body!
This post is brought to you by For Two Fitness®. For Two Fitness® is the premier maternity fitness apparel brand, proudly made in the USA and available worldwide. Visit our site to explore our maternity fitness apparel and purchase for you or a loved one today.

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