Enjoy these “Top 5 Running While Pregnant Tips” from our friend, Kara. When Kara is not running or hitting the trails, she can be found playing with her 2 year old daughter, trying to win National Masters running titles, or shaping young minds where she teaches in Lowell, Massachusetts. Follow her adventures at runmommyx2.blogspot.com.
When I was pregnant with my first daughter (now 2), I could find very little in the Cyber World regarding running and pregnancy. I found even less about postpartum recovery and comebacks. Since then, I’ve had many fellow runners ask me for specific information about running while pregnant, and getting back into running after the birth. Here are my “Top 5 Running While Pregnant Tips”:
Tip 1: Get an OB under 40 years of age – 30 if possible (just kidding, sort of)
The ACOG is starting to catch on that exercise is beneficial for most pregnant women, and now recommend that women who exercised before they were pregnant continue a regimen, and for those who did not exercise to start a regimen. Unfortunately, not every OB out there is up to date with the current recommendations and research. Dr. Clapp’s book “Exercising Through Your Pregnancy” has some excellent information, backed by research.
Tip 2: Plan your running routes around porta-potties and friendly neighborhood bathrooms
Your little gymnast to be most likely will be practicing kicks and somersaults on your bladder. Hey, it’s a soft landing! A little planning before the run will help make your run much more enjoyable!
Tip 3: Remember that you are creating a new life
Of course you will have to walk sometimes! Of course there are some days (especially if you already have a little one at home) when you simply will not have the energy to get out the door. Cut yourself some slack, and pat yourself on the back for all the hard work that your body is doing!
Tip 4: Leave the watch at home
This is a particularly helpful tip third trimester! In my mind, I was running the 4 mile loop in sub 7’s. In reality, my husband was reading to issue a missing persons alert I had been gone so long! Unless you have a time restriction due to obligations, just enjoy the run and forget about how long it takes you.
Tip 5: It’s always a heat wave
Even in January. In all seriousness, the pregnant body runs a degree or two higher than normal. I’ve been known to run through blizzards in scorn of the treadmill (dreadmill) – but a 95 degree day at 9 months pregnant – I’ll take the climate controlled dreadmill.
Although there may be days when it doesn’t feel like it, your pregnancy will be over in the blink of an eye. Yes, there may be a day 8 months along when you think “this will never end” – look at all those lithe track runners! You will soon enough be joining those lithe track runners, with your gorgeous creation cheering “Go Mommy”, and you will feel a twinge of nostalgia for those days when you waddled along, taking in the scenery, and feeling those kicks.
This post is brought to you by For Two Fitness®. For Two Fitness® is the premier maternity fitness apparel brand, proudly made in the USA and available worldwide. Visit our site to explore our maternity fitness apparel and purchase for you or a loved one today.
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