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Inspiration Mama: Safe Exercises During Pregnancy

by For Two Fitness

Safe Exercises During Pregnancy

Are you looking for safe exercises during pregnancy? Read these tips from fit mom, Kate Marron. 

Hi there, my name is Kate Marron and I reside in the Boston, MA area (Boston Strong!).  I am married to an amazing man and we are expecting our 1st bambino this winter!  I am a certified fitness professional ACSM & NASM with a BS in Exercise Science and minor in Dance Movement. I have been working at Harvard University’s Recreation Center for 12 years as a Swim, Fitness and Program Manager. I also do in home PT and I am a proud employee of a new Strength & Conditioning Facility that also offers small group exercise classes

I am truly blessed that every day I can go into work and make a difference in people’s lives.  I love helping people feel more comfortable about moving in their own bodies.  Helping people feel better, healthier and stronger is my main passion and goal in life.  I have been specializing in pre/post natal training since 2006 with my “fit mamas and move’n moms or mamas” classes. I am so happy I can now “feel” what I have been preaching all these years.  Healthy Mom = Healthy & Happy Baby!!

Safe Exercises During Pregnancy

We all know that eating well, exercise and balance is key to a healthy life and especially during pregnancy.  Here are a few exercises that will help you feel good, balanced and get you move’n for that marathon “Labor Day”.  I also like to call these exercises the “stranded on the island exercises” because all you will be using is you and that added resistance you have in front (you can do anywhere).  Plus, after baby, you may not be seeing an island for awhile.

I like to show exercises,  level 1=easier, level 2=more difficult

Warm up options:

Brisk walk/jog always a good option

L1- side step (stepping side to side), L2- Hop, side step (hopping/jumping side to side):  Perform for 30sec 2x (with a break) or 1 full minute

Total Body Pre-natal and Post Pardum Exercises:

Squats, squats, squats!! You will need these ladies for your “Labor Day” and then after

L1-Assisted Squat (using a bench behind you squat tap it ie. “public restroom” hips way back so you don’t sit on a toilet.  That visual usually works for good form)!  L2- Weighted squats (Place dumbbells on shoulders and squat):  Perform 2×12-15reps

Stationary lunges: Perform 2×15 *Stop if hips and extra front weight starts bothering you

L1-Modified push ups (On knees/modified plank position, pelvis slightly tucked “Michael Jackson” abs engaged, arms wide.  Lower chest and body in 1 piece and rise up into modified plank position) L2-Millitary push ups:  Perform 2×10-20

Kneeling opposites (On all 4’s, flat back, belly button pulled in, extend R. arm & L. leg so your body is in a straight line “engaging your core/balance” try not to lean to one side):  Perform 2×10 and last rep hold 10sec

Planks!! One of the best core stabilizers especially when preggo

L1- Modified Plank (same set up as modified push up form, pull belly button in and sporadically breathe)  L2- Plank:  2x30sec-1min

Ladies don’t forget your keegals: you can sit on a bench, chair or stability ball for tall posture and pull in internally. IE- like you’re stopping pee mid stream  1×8+


This post is brought to you by For Two Fitness®. For Two Fitness® is the premier maternity fitness apparel brand, proudly made in the USA and available worldwide. Visit our site to explore our maternity fitness apparel and purchase for you or a loved one today. 


For Two Fitness
For Two Fitness


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