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What exercises are safe during the third trimester of pregnancy?

by For Two Fitness

Is it OK to exercise during the third trimester of pregnancy?   Amanda Tress, personal trainer and founder of  Fit Pregnancy and Parenting online, is here to answer that question.   There is almost nothing more adorable than the pic at the end of this post, so be sure to read on.  Thanks for stopping by, Amanda!


Exercising During the Third Trimester

Is it safe to exercise in the third trimester of pregnancy? What workouts are appropriate? These are questions that I get often from my clients. And I’m here to tell you — it’s absolutely safe to exercise in your third trimester of pregnancy. Here is a break down of my workouts this past week (I am currently 32 weeks pregnant). Please keep in mind that I am in exceptional shape and maintained a very vigorous workout schedule pre-pregnancy.

  • Day 1: 6 miles of running with clients, cardio machines, free weights, and pilates
  • Day 2: 3.25 miles of running/walking
  • Day 3: 3 hours of cardio machines, running, and pilates with clients
  • Day 4: Rest
  • Day 5: 1 hour of plyos with a client
  • Day 6: 6 hours of running, cardio machines, and lifting with clients
  • Day 7: Rest

Exercising During the Third Trimester of Pregnancy

This weekend I am running the Cincinnati Flying Pig Half Marathon with three of my gym clients. I am SO excited! I certainly won’t be breaking any records, but I plan to finish the 13.1 miles with style (we might purchase some pig noses and tails for the race). I even thought about turning my preggy belly into a little pig face and seeing how many stares I get. HA, just kidding.

Here are some important items to note as you continue working out through your third trimester or pregnancy:

  1. Consult with your doctor about working out in the third trimester of pregnancy. My doctor is very supportive of my workouts and intensity level and has not given me any restrictions. She is fully aware that I am running a half marathon this weekend and is really excited to see me for my prenatal appointment on Monday and hear how it went.
  2. Listen to your body: If you experience any red flags (cramping, bleeding, shortness of breath, etc) … immediately stop your workout and consult your doctor if necessary.
  3. You will almost definitely have to scale back the intensity of your workouts. I am still working out for the same amount of time as pre-pregnancy, but I have definitely decreased the intensity of my workouts in this trimester.
  4. Every pregnancy and every woman is different. Do not compare yourself with me, your pregnant friend, or yourself in a previous third trimester of pregnancy. I am able to do things this pregnancy that I was not able to do when I was pregnant with Emma, but I have also had to scale back a few exercises even more than I did with her. (Ex: I am able to run more than I did with her since Baby Boy is sitting higher, but I have had to stop doing lunges as often because it makes my pelvis very sore).


Exercising During the Third Trimester - with toddler in tow!

If you have any questions about working out in the third trimester of pregnancy, please let me know! I would be more than happy to give you advice based on my experience and research.

Fit Pregnancy and Parenting was founded by Amanda Tress, mommy to a beautiful baby girl, mommy-to-be to a baby boy (June 2013), and a personal trainer who is passionate about health and wellness. She has trained clients in the gym for over 9 years, and truly enjoys helping women lose weight, learn how to exercise properly, gain confidence, and transform their lives (and the lives of their family) for the better. Follow Amanda on Pinterest, Instagram (@fitparenting), Twitter, and Facebook





For Two Fitness
For Two Fitness


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