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Paleo Pregnancy: One Mom’s Prenatal Health and Nutrition Philosophy

by For Two Fitness

Today, we are fortunate to introduce Dawn Weinberger, a runner, writer, and avid subscriber to the principles of Paleo nutrition. Currently halfway through her pregnancy, she’ll be a featured guest on our blog along the way. We are looking forward to her stories and thoughts, as well as your comments!

As with all of our guests, Dawn’s opinions are solely her own. While Dawn is a happy For Two Fitness® customer, she has not been compensated in any way for her posts, here or on her blog.


A Strong Start for my Baby Girl

Hi! I’m Dawn, a 38-year-old first time mother-to-be from Portland, Oregon. My baby girl is due on October 23rd.



When my husband Carl and I (finally, after more than 10 years of marriage) decided to have a baby, I knew a couple of things right off the bat. First, a blog would be a must. Writing is my profession, and I couldn’t imagine a more appropriate way to document my pregnancy experience. I also knew that I would remain committed to my workouts and my healthy eating habits (I follow the Paleo Diet, avoiding all grains, sugar, legumes and dairy in favor of eggs, vegetables, fruit, nuts/seeds and meat). The goal in all of this: to give my baby a super-healthy start to life, and to keep myself fit strong throughout my pregnancy so I could bounce back quickly and live an active lifestyle with my little one.

I’m now almost 21 weeks along, and so far, so good. My blog, The Paleo Baby, is growing and I’m having lots of fun writing about my journey and connecting with other future moms. As for my pregnancy, well, I couldn’t ask for a more ideal experience. I’ve felt fantastic almost every day (I had a few queasy days in the beginning, along with occasional headaches) and, while I’m certainly not setting any personal records or mastering any new skills at the gym, I am still working out four or five days each week and maintaining what I feel is an appropriate level of fitness for a mama-to-be (it helps, of course, to be decked out in cute and comfy workout gear from For Two Fitness).


I’ll be sharing more about my journey right here in the weeks to come. I hope to have more triumphs than challenges, but my intent is to be open and honest no matter what I experience (next week, for example, I’ll be writing about my decision to give up running for the duration of my pregnancy). I’m also looking forward to hearing from readers — as I’m sure you all have lots of great fitness and pregnancy advice to share with me, too! Thanks for reading!

You can read more from Dawn in the coming weeks and months right here! Also, check out her blog, The Paleo Baby. You can also find Dawn on Facebook and Twitter.


So, let’s hear it. What do you think of the Paleo approach?


For Two Fitness
For Two Fitness


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