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How Group Fitness Made My Third Pregnancy My Most Fit

by For Two Fitness

Group Exercise during pregnancy

My name is Michelle and I am a NETA Certified Personal Trainer and Group Fitness Instructor, I am a stay at home mom when I am not in the gym. Read about how group fitness made my third pregnancy my most fit. My husband and I have been married 6 wonderful years. I currently have three little girls. I am passionate about helping women care for their bodies both physically and spiritually. Follow me on the journey of living Fit: my website/blog:, twitter: @livefitfitness Instagram: @livefitfitness and Facebook page.

After my first pregnancy I felt discouraged and disappointed in myself that I didn’t take better care of my body. A competitor in cross country, track through college and a high school track coach I knew the benefits of staying fit throughout pregnancy.

Maybe it was just that I didn’t have that accountability of a team or others around me when I became pregnant 6 months after my husband and I got married. I decided to make my second pregnancy better and it was but around months 6, 7, and 8 I started to loose focus again. Eating late at night, ditching my exercise routine, and my daily snaking was a little out of control.

Group Exercise during pregnancy

I worked extremely hard to get back into shape after my first daughter was born and the second time around it seemed a little easier. I stayed the course longer and although I lost sight of my goal in the third trimester I saw the benefits of staying fit during most of my pregnancy. It helped me loose the weight and bounce back much quicker the second time around.

When my husband and I found out we were pregnant this third time,I pledged I would make my third pregnancy my most fit. I became a group exercise teacher 7 months before I became pregnant. I continued teaching my classes using the low impact option up until I was around 7 1/2 months pregnant.

The photo above features 2 strength training exercises I did during pregnancy with a resistance band and often use in my group exercise classes.

Here a three ways group fitness helped me make my third pregnancy my most fit:

1. I was held accountable. I went to class even on days that I didn’t feel like working out. When I was sick the first trimester, I felt so much better after I worked out. The accountability of working out with others helped motivate me to stick to my pregnancy workout plan.

Group Exercise during pregnancy

2. I didn’t have to worry about when and what my workout was going to be each week. I truly am a believer in: “setting a plan and working your plan”. When I get up and don’t have a workout plan I end up often pushing it to the back burner. Classes are a set time and it’s easy to pencil them into your schedule and it reduces the stress of trying to figure out what and when you are going to do your workout.

3. Being able to workout with your friends is always the best! I gained fitness tips from other moms, had tons of support, gathered lots of great recipes and always enjoyed my time with my fitness gals at the gym.

If getting to the gym isn’t an option try setting a time at home to workout with a friend or your husband. Congratulations and good luck on your fit pregnancy journeys!

This post is brought to you by For Two Fitness®. For Two Fitness® is the premier maternity fitness apparel brand, proudly made in the USA and available worldwide. Visit our site to explore our maternity fitness apparel and purchase for you or a loved one today.


For Two Fitness
For Two Fitness


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