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Your Pregnancy: Food and Fitness Tips from Fitness Pro Alissa Carpio

Your Pregnancy: Food and Fitness Tips from Fitness Pro Alissa Carpio

by For Two Fitness

Today we have to honor of presenting Alissa Carpio, a fitness expert and mom-to-be.  She has ben a certified personal trainer since 2002, focusing on competitive athletes and corrective exercise.  She holds a BS in Sport Management with an emphasis in Fitness and Wellness.  Alissa is an elite amateur fitness competitor and has completed several 10-mile runs.  She’s a mother of a 2-year old and is expecting her second child in August 2012...

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Extreme Sports, Vigorous Exercise – Good or Bad for Pregnancy?

Extreme Sports, Vigorous Exercise – Good or Bad for Pregnancy?

by For Two Fitness

We found this amazing article written by Rita Rubin on the USA Today website (click here to see the full article).  Read on to hear Carrie’s story and consider whether “extreme” sports are good for pregnancy, or an unnecessary risk…

When Carrie Cooper realized she could still go rock-climbing while pregnant, even she was surprised...

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Pregnancy As Disability: Does This New Proposed Law Help or Hurt Women in the Workplace

Pregnancy As Disability: Does This New Proposed Law Help or Hurt Women in the Workplace

by For Two Fitness

Below is a piece from one of our favorite blogs,  We saw a similar piece on  just days ago.  It is a hot topic – is pregnancy a disability?  Sure, we know some pregnancies result in significant complications, and those may easily qualify.  But does each and every pregnant woman need legal protection and “disabled” status?  Read on and share you comments below…

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Finding Time To Workout After Baby: One Runner’s Approach to PostPartum Fitness

Finding Time To Workout After Baby: One Runner’s Approach to PostPartum Fitness

by For Two Fitness

Today, we are pleased to feature guest blogger Laura Peifer, who completed her very first full marathon a year after her daughter was born!  Laura is a social worker (MSW) turned stay-at-home mom, and has been running for 11 years, including several 10k’s and half marathons.  She is passionate about running, nutrition for the whole family, and natural parenting.  You can learn more on her blog...

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Pregnant and Flying for the Holidays?

Pregnant and Flying for the Holidays?

by For Two Fitness

Traveling for the holidays?  Wondering if you can fly?  We found this article by Jenn Davis in the Baltimore Sun, and thought we’d share it with our readers. 

Who wants to deliver a baby on an airplane?

Answer: No one. Not the mother-to-be and not the flight attendants, pilots or passengers.

That’s why most airlines have fairly strict requirements for women who travel near the end of their pregnancies...


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Study: Diet and Exercise Have No Impact on Pregnancy Weight Gain?

by For Two Fitness

Interesting study… (Hey, we didn’t write it! Click the paragraph below to view the original post.)

Exercising during pregnancy was safe for both moms and babies in a new study of heavy women in Brazil, but fitness classes and at-home exercises didn’t keep moms-to-be from gaining too much weight...

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Have a Cleaner, "Greener", Healthier Pregnancy

Have a Cleaner, "Greener", Healthier Pregnancy

by For Two Fitness

Today we are excited to feature a new guest blogger, April (AKA Mama on a Green Mission), writing about living green.  She is the mother of two boys and a baby girl due in February 2012. She’s married to a teacher and she works full time herself. She loves shopping and going to festivals and family events. She has huge interest in eco-friendly, organic and green living. In her spare time she loves blogging and doing product reviews and giveaways. You can find more of her writing and reviews at...

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Keeping "The Girls" Happy During Pregnancy: A Blogger’s Maternity Sports Bra Picks

Keeping "The Girls" Happy During Pregnancy: A Blogger’s Maternity Sports Bra Picks

by For Two Fitness

Katie from is back to share her thoughts on pregnancy “support”, if you know what we mean.  Katie is a runner (on a brief hiatus, now a yogi!), blogger, and  soon-to-be new mom!  She’s an engineer, so you know she’s got smarts.  Here’s her journey in bounce wear…

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Does This Baby Make Me Look Fat? Reflections on Early Pregnancy and Body Image

Does This Baby Make Me Look Fat? Reflections on Early Pregnancy and Body Image

by For Two Fitness

Once again, we have the honor of featuring guest blogger Hollie Reina, a full time stay-at-home mom of two boys who  is pregnant with her third. She is also a professional freelance writer for and Hollie is a two-time marathoner, a minimalist running fanatic and a former hiking and mountain biking guide in southern Utah. She is dedicated to sharing her true thoughts and stories as she navigates this pregnancy while trying to stay fit both mentally and physically...

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Tips for Pregnant Triathletes

Tips for Pregnant Triathletes

by For Two Fitness

We found this article on, and excerpted some of the sections for your enjoyment below.  Written by Jennifer Purdie, it is full of information for triathletes who want to keep training (safely) through their pregnancies.  While every woman and every pregnancy is different, and this post is not intended to substitute as medical advice, it is fun to hear former professional triathlete and expectant mom Nicole DeBoom offer her perspective on preconception and pregnancy fitness...

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Fitness in Baby Steps: Lessons Learned Across Three Pregnancies

Fitness in Baby Steps: Lessons Learned Across Three Pregnancies

by For Two Fitness

Today we have the pleasure of another post by our guest blogger Hollie Reina.  You’ve already met her here, discussing how she discovered she was pregnant from tuning into her body while running.  Below, she shares her fitness philosophy, shaped by her experiences over three pregnancies…

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Racing During Pregnancy: This Mom Has a New Running Partner!

Racing During Pregnancy: This Mom Has a New Running Partner!

by For Two Fitness

Today, we are honored to introduce another wonderful guest, Megan Ake, a 27 year old English teacher, avid runner, and completely gorgeous blogger and mom-to-be!  Read on as Megan shares her approach to running, now that she has an extra passenger along for the ride…

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Expert Post: Get Your Abs Back After Baby

Expert Post: Get Your Abs Back After Baby

by For Two Fitness

Today we introduce expert Celeste Goodson, the owner of  MomBod Fitness and developer of the ReCORE program.  Celeste  has a B.S. in Fitness and Wellness Management and is certified through ACE as an Advanced Health and Fitness Specialist. Celeste has a passion for women’s  fitness, is a mom of 3 herself, and is a Boston Marathon qualifier.  She explains the physical effects of pregnancy on the core, and offers suggestions for preventing strength loss during pregnancy and regaining it postpartum…

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Tuning In – How Running Told Her She Was Pregnant

Tuning In – How Running Told Her She Was Pregnant

by For Two Fitness

Today, we introduce Hollie Reina, a 32 year old freelance journalist and full-time mother of two,  now  nine weeks pregnant with her third baby. She lives in southern California and is a marathoner and would-be triathlete (her half-ironman plans are on pause due to this pregnancy) with a passion for the outdoors, running, cycling.  In fact, she was once a professional hiking and mountain biking guide for two fancy outdoorsy spas in Utah.  Read on as she tells the tale of the moment she realized she was pregnant…


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Bouncing Back: One Mom’s Journey to Her Healthiest Body After Pregnancy

Bouncing Back: One Mom’s Journey to Her Healthiest Body After Pregnancy

by For Two Fitness

Today, we have Toni – a mother of two, RN, and blogger of all things health, fitness, and life balance.   Her youngest baby is a toddler now, and she shares her take on healthy pregnancy weight gain, and getting her body back after her babies were born…


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Pregnancy Fitness Set-Back: Strategies for Coping with an Injury

Pregnancy Fitness Set-Back: Strategies for Coping with an Injury

by For Two Fitness

You’ve already met Dawn Weinberger, a runner, writer, and avid subscriber to the principles of Paleo nutrition.  Today, she shares her strategies for dealing with a painful injury that kept her from her usual routine…

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"Stunners" (stylish runners): Is the rise of cute running gear anti-feminist?

"Stunners" (stylish runners): Is the rise of cute running gear anti-feminist?

by For Two Fitness

In this month’s issue of Runner’s World (and on : “Fastinistas!” ), there is an article on fashion among female runners, and the various apparel companies that outfit them.   What struck us most wasn’t in the article – it was the comments.  We’ve excerpted a few of them below, along with the intro of the article,  which you can read in full here...

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Fighting Mama! A Professional MMA Fighter Talks About Training For Two

Fighting Mama! A Professional MMA Fighter Talks About Training For Two

by For Two Fitness

Today we have the honor of presenting one of our toughest mamas yet!  Beth is a social worker turned professional MMA fighter (that’s “mixed martial arts”, if you don’t know), and a soon-to-be new mom.  As a hardcore athlete who sweats and bleeds for a living, we are thrilled to have her perspective on pregnancy here on our blog.  We’re also thrilled to have her wearing our apparel!..

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Sidelined! One Runner’s Complete Exercise Hiatus During High-Risk Pregnancy

Sidelined! One Runner’s Complete Exercise Hiatus During High-Risk Pregnancy

by For Two Fitness

Today, we introduce Kim, an avid runner with big plans to keep running throughout her pregnancy. Twins and a potentially dangerous medical condition not only thwarted her running plans, but let to a complete exercise hiatus…

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Fitness Celebrity Sara Haley Dishes on Safe Exercise During Pregnancy

Fitness Celebrity Sara Haley Dishes on Safe Exercise During Pregnancy

by For Two Fitness

Today we have the honor of introducing Sara Haley, an international fitness expert. (You may have seen her recently with Brooklyn Decker in the Elle “Make Better” DVD series). As a new mom herself, Sara gives us her expert advice (and personal experience) on how to stay healthy, fit, and active during pregnancy...

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Running for Two: One Avid Runner Slows Down (a little) for Pregnancy

Running for Two: One Avid Runner Slows Down (a little) for Pregnancy

by For Two Fitness

Today, we are honored to introduce Jen, an ultra-fit mom-to-be (who also happens to be a health writer). Jen shares how her pregnancy has impacted her previously very vigorous routine, and plans to check in with us for the rest of her pregnancy so we can hear more. We are looking forward to those updates, Jen!..

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Running Away From Pregnancy? One Marathoner’s Struggle to Conceive

Running Away From Pregnancy? One Marathoner’s Struggle to Conceive

by For Two Fitness

Today, we are pleased to introduce Alison Barkman, an accomplished marathoner and registered dietitian who shares her story about balancing her drive to run (far!), and her desire to have a baby...

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