Congratulations! You’ve made it to the third trimester. Now what? The last part of the pregnancy journey represents a new and exciting time for moms-to-be, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges. Here are some third trimester pregnancy tips to see you through to the other side.
Embrace the Positive
The third trimester comes with many thrilling side effects in addition to the less-than-pleasant ones. One way to endure the downsides is to focus on the positives.
Show your baby some love with a gentle belly massage.
As babies grow, they become more active. You will probably experience a greater breadth and depth of movement from your baby — from sharp kicks to gentle pressure. These sensations can be exhilarating, and can also help you foster a sense of connection with your baby. Many pregnant women also enjoy bonding with their unborn babies through massage. This soothing activity is safe and a great way to show your baby some love.
Did you know that your baby can start to hear your voice during the third trimester? Expectant moms who start reading, singing, or talking to their babies can begin bonding from the inside out.
And then there’s the biggest positive of all: the countdown to meeting your brand new baby is getting closer and closer to single digits.
Nest More
When you can’t embrace the positives, here’s another tactic for getting through: embrace distractions, instead.
One fun and productive way to do so? Nesting. If you haven’t yet decorated the nursery, now is a great time to focus your energy on small, manageable tasks. Also, new things may be arriving day by day. Unpack and arrange all remaining items.
Additionally, this is a great opportunity to organize clothing by age and season, and also to assemble any toys or gear that are still in boxes. Launder all wearables in gentle formula detergent to keep baby’s sensitive skin free of irritation.
And don’t forget to do a final check: do you have all of the essentials, from clothing to diapers? Stock up on whatever you’re missing now to avoid stress when your baby arrives.
If you haven’t packed your hospital bag yet, what are you waiting for? Babies come early all the time: pack in advance to make sure you have what you need on labor day. Even moms who aren’t planning on a hospital birth should pack a bag just in case a hospital visit becomes necessary.
Rest up now for sleepless nights ahead.
Make Accommodations
If you’ve been getting away with baggy, loose-fitting clothing until now, the third trimester is a whole new playing field. Your body will change a lot over the next few months as your baby — and belly! — continue to grow.
Luckily, it’s entirely possible to look great during the third trimester by embracing your bump with the latest form-fitting and attractive maternity designs in everything from your work wardrobe to maternity exercise clothes. Goodbye frumpy overalls, hello cute yoga pants!
Don’t worry about spending too much for clothes you’ll only wear for a few months; it will take time for your body to bounce back, and you’ll be happy to have a selection of well-fitting, comfortable maternity clothing to wear after the delivery.
Rest Up
In less than three months, your life will change forever. While you may not feel ready, you can feel prepared. After your baby arrives, sleep will be an even greater commodity than it is now. Try to sneak in as much sleep as you can before the sleepless nights begin.
If you’re having trouble sleeping, many moms-to-be find that moderate exercise, aromatherapy oils, extra bedding and/or a pre-bedtime snack can help promote a healthy night’s sleep.
Whether the first two trimesters flew by or slogged along, you’re now officially in the home stretch. By following these tips and techniques, you can best enjoy the last few precious months of impending motherhood.
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