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"Stunners" (stylish runners): Is the rise of cute running gear anti-feminist?

"Stunners" (stylish runners): Is the rise of cute running gear anti-feminist?

by For Two Fitness

In this month’s issue of Runner’s World (and on : “Fastinistas!” ), there is an article on fashion among female runners, and the various apparel companies that outfit them.   What struck us most wasn’t in the article – it was the comments.  We’ve excerpted a few of them below, along with the intro of the article,  which you can read in full here...

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Celebrity Pregnancy Secret: Jessica Alba (isn’t getting her pre-baby body back)

by For Two Fitness recently posted this piece, written by Mary Elizabeth Williams.  We found it to be in contrast to all the recent “mommyrexia” coverage…

Jessica Alba isn’t getting her pre-baby body back

“Jessica Alba isn’t getting her pre-baby body back.  The actress admits motherhood has changed her — why can’t more stars do likewise?”..

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Running While Pregnant: Slow is the New Fast

Running While Pregnant: Slow is the New Fast

by For Two Fitness

Here’s a brand new, delightful post by our very own guest blogger, Katie Key.  You’ve already met Katie  here on our blog, or perhaps on her blog, Katie Runs This.  Maybe you already follow her on Twitter – if not, you should!  Stay tuned for more from Katie right here, as she shares her pregnancy journey with us...

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Eating for Two? A Registered Dietitian’s Advice for Prenatal Nutrition

by For Two Fitness

We are pleased to welcome registered dietitian and mom Alison Barkman for another guest post, this time featuring her expert advice on pregnancy nutrition.  
While studying to become a registered dietitian, pregnancy was a small chunk of the curriculum squeezed among various science, management, and medical nutrition therapy courses. The true hands-on training for nutrition during pregnancy came when I counseled expectant mommies and during my own 9 months of pregnancy avoiding sushi, a glass of wine, or a yummy roast beef sandwich....


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Hiking the Chief at 34 Weeks, and A (First!) Triathlon at 9 Months: One Fit Mom, Indeed!

Hiking the Chief at 34 Weeks, and A (First!) Triathlon at 9 Months: One Fit Mom, Indeed!

by For Two Fitness

It isn’t everyday that we get to know someone like Carli (AKA One Fit Mom ), a 31 year old fitness enthusiast living in Vancouver and seriously challenging conventional pregnancy guidelines regarding physical activity.  Thank you, Carli, for sharing this post with us!  Read on for her inspiring story of some serious feats very late in pregnancy…

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Coping With Miscarriage: A Guest Blogger’s Sad News

by For Two Fitness

Today, we had planned to feature a wonderful story from one of our guest bloggers about her fitness journey during her pregnancy.  Instead of her post, I received the very sad news that she had a miscarriage.  We know many of you have experienced the same loss, whether your own, or as a family member or friend of a grieving mom.  Please share your words of wisdom, encouragement, and support with this mama and our entire community by leaving your comments below...

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Fighting Mama! A Professional MMA Fighter Talks About Training For Two

Fighting Mama! A Professional MMA Fighter Talks About Training For Two

by For Two Fitness

Today we have the honor of presenting one of our toughest mamas yet!  Beth is a social worker turned professional MMA fighter (that’s “mixed martial arts”, if you don’t know), and a soon-to-be new mom.  As a hardcore athlete who sweats and bleeds for a living, we are thrilled to have her perspective on pregnancy here on our blog.  We’re also thrilled to have her wearing our apparel!..

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Sidelined! One Runner’s Complete Exercise Hiatus During High-Risk Pregnancy

Sidelined! One Runner’s Complete Exercise Hiatus During High-Risk Pregnancy

by For Two Fitness

Today, we introduce Kim, an avid runner with big plans to keep running throughout her pregnancy. Twins and a potentially dangerous medical condition not only thwarted her running plans, but let to a complete exercise hiatus…

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Essential Gear for Running During Pregnancy

Essential Gear for Running During Pregnancy

by For Two Fitness

Today we are delighted to feature Katie, a runner, blogger, and  soon-to-be new mom!  She’s an engineer, so you know she’s got smarts.  An avid runner, she describes a 5K as her “gateway drug”.  Here’s her list of running essentials for those HOT summer months (did we mention she’s from Baton Rouge?) to keep you motivated!  As with all of our guest bloggers who are also happy For Two Fitness customers, Katie has not been compensated for her post, and all her opinions are her own.  (Thanks, Katie, for putting us on your list!)..

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One Runner Gives It Up for Pregnancy – Can You Relate?

One Runner Gives It Up for Pregnancy – Can You Relate?

by For Two Fitness

You’ve already met Dawn Weinberger, a runner, writer, and avid subscriber to the principles of Paleo nutrition. Today, she tells us about her decision to stop running for the rest of her pregnancy.  Can you relate?..

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Fitness Celebrity Sara Haley Dishes on Safe Exercise During Pregnancy

Fitness Celebrity Sara Haley Dishes on Safe Exercise During Pregnancy

by For Two Fitness

Today we have the honor of introducing Sara Haley, an international fitness expert. (You may have seen her recently with Brooklyn Decker in the Elle “Make Better” DVD series). As a new mom herself, Sara gives us her expert advice (and personal experience) on how to stay healthy, fit, and active during pregnancy...

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Mommyrexia Epidemic? Extreme Habits During Pregnancy

by For Two Fitness

You’ve seen the story in the NY Post, and on all the blogs: “Mommyrexia Takes Manhattan

Stars like Victoria Beckham, Rachel Zoe, and January Jones are said to leading the dangerous trend – overexercising and not eating adequately to nourish their pregnancies.

Is this an accurate reflection of dangerously extreme habits? Or a case of envious celebrity-bashing? What’s your take?

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When Baby Complicates Weight Loss Goals – What’s a Mom to Do?

When Baby Complicates Weight Loss Goals – What’s a Mom to Do?

by For Two Fitness

Today, we introduce you to Kelly, a teacher and lover of sweet treats. Like many women, she struggled with weight. In 2007, she made a commitment to health and began working with a trainer. She lost weight, and began running, and even began racing! Then, not yet at her goal weight and just as she was registering for a half-marathon (you go!), she discovered she was pregnant. She found herself sick and lethargic for the first few months- we can relate! While her joy was growing, her fitness plans were turned upside down...

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Running for Two: One Avid Runner Slows Down (a little) for Pregnancy

Running for Two: One Avid Runner Slows Down (a little) for Pregnancy

by For Two Fitness

Today, we are honored to introduce Jen, an ultra-fit mom-to-be (who also happens to be a health writer). Jen shares how her pregnancy has impacted her previously very vigorous routine, and plans to check in with us for the rest of her pregnancy so we can hear more. We are looking forward to those updates, Jen!..

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Running Away From Pregnancy? One Marathoner’s Struggle to Conceive

Running Away From Pregnancy? One Marathoner’s Struggle to Conceive

by For Two Fitness

Today, we are pleased to introduce Alison Barkman, an accomplished marathoner and registered dietitian who shares her story about balancing her drive to run (far!), and her desire to have a baby...

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How Jennifer Connelly’s Workouts Helped Her Pregnancy

by For Two Fitness

Celebrity Baby News!
Running, Yoga, and an Apple a Day? Can it really be so simple?
Check out this article about Jennifer Connelly and her fitness philosophy!..

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Paleo Pregnancy: One Mom’s Prenatal Health and Nutrition Philosophy

Paleo Pregnancy: One Mom’s Prenatal Health and Nutrition Philosophy

by For Two Fitness

Today, we are fortunate to introduce Dawn Weinberger, a runner, writer, and avid subscriber to the principles of Paleo nutrition. Currently halfway through her pregnancy, she’ll be a featured guest on our blog along the way. We are looking forward to her stories and thoughts, as well as your comments!..

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Share the love! Support for Fit, Healthy, Active Pregnancies

Share the love! Support for Fit, Healthy, Active Pregnancies

by For Two Fitness

One of the joys of having a company like For Two Fitness® is that our customers keeps in touch and share their stories. We get to read the wonderful  messages from husbands, soon-to-be-grandparents, and friends that accompany gift orders, which often bring tears to our eyes.   We get in on the schemes to wear our apparel to a family gathering, thereby announcing the big news!...

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